Thursday, March 30, 2006

Shhhh... The baby is sleeping

How do you tell the native wildlife to "kindly shut up or move on elsewhere" that is the question?
It's easy with the humans, just put a little note on the front door to please be quiet, bargain with the workmen who are digging and drilling on the street to do our section first and move on to the neighbours.

We've begun the interesting exercise of teaching the boy child how to fall asleep, and some may well say"about bloody time". He's 4 months old so we can't really do controlled crying (confession: we tried it for about ten minutes and couldn't hack it any longer), so we're doing a modified "controlled comforting". 4 days in and it seems to be working.

Night 2 was amazing, the local ringtails on their nightly rounds knocked over a potted plant - rather some potted bulbs that haven't sprouted yet.... Thanks J & I! - spreading the dirt and bulbs halfway along the front veranda. I thought it was something in the bathroom falling over again (toothbrush holder on a suction cup that regularly makes a bid for freedom only to find it can't walk) and when I found it wasn't I went out into the night to check out what was happening. There they were ... 2 ringtail possums.... By the noise they make at night bounding up and down the colourbond roof I was sure they were brushtails... But little ringtails they are. The man of the house and I actively encouraged them to move on and I picked up as much dirt and bulbs as I could to repot the next day. We came inside and to our utter surprise he slept through it all. Sigh of relief.

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