Friday, March 31, 2006

It works!

12:30 am and the boy child, once he had finished feeding and had a change of daks was firmly wrapped and placed in bed awake.... He snuffled a bit, adjusted his sleeping position a touch, sucked on the dummy a few times and "Voila!" he slept for the next 7 hours.

Woo Hoo!

I guess that the proviso is that it works at night, when it's really dark and quiet.... And he's not too tired... sounds perverse that it's easier to get to sleep if you've only just woken up.

I've just popped him down for his 1st morning nap. I tried just popping him in the cot and leaving but he lasted 2 minutes when he politely coughed "excuse me Mummy, I need the dummy please". So I've reinserted the dummy, patted him gently on the tummy for a minute - I swear... just 1 minute - and he's off to the land of Winken, Blinken and Nod.

I repeat, Woo Hoo!

Speaking of Winken, Blinken and Nod is it because I'm a book fiend, or a woman or a mother that I remember all those bedtime stories, and nursery rhymes? For those of you who don't know Winken, Blinken and Nod is a poem by Eugene Field, a delightful little bedtime poem... you should read it sometime.

Well given that the boychild is asleep I must get to a little work, and a little rest... I'm entrenched in a new book, rather it's not newly published but it was a birthday gift. It's The other Boleyn girl by Phillipa Gregory. I've not read PG's work before but it's not bad. It focuses on Anne Boleyn's sister Mary and her dealings in the court of Katharine of Aragon, her relationship with Henry VIII, and the fulfilling of her sister's ambitions. The problem is that I'm going to have to review my Tudor history to see where the lines of fact and fiction meet... maybe when I've finished the book, though I already know how it will end. Off with her head

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