Saturday, June 17, 2006

I'm a big boy I am!

Tim has really grown up in the last 2 weeks or so.

Around the 6th he was a real cranky boy, and during my occasional sweep of his mouth I found the beginnings of his first tooth! My mum can't remember (ie she didn't write down) when I got my first tooth... but Aunty S got hers in her 8th month (ie when she was 7.5 months) and Aunty H had her 1st birthday before she got a chopper!

Unfortunately he's had to have a few "No!"s which have been for biting... partly my fault because he gets distracted and I think he's distracted rather than finished... when he's tired of me re-offering the breast he'll bite me (so I have to say something). Saying No in a firm voice is certainly effective... he pulls off gets a sour lemon look on his face and cries. I explain why he shouldn't bite and give him a little cuddle, and then we move on. I think he's doing it less often now... only did it once yesterday. I don't like telling him off like this but I have to if it means that he's not going to hurt me too much.... I also have pulled out the No when he gets too close to the bricks around the fireplace... it's too hard to cover and make soft so it's just going to have to be a verbal boundary.

He also had his first visit to the aquarium, has his first visit to G.Grandma B's place and is now well accustomed to his car seat and is making great gains with food.

Now featuring on our menus are beef, chicken (he loves chicken and mushroom risotto - the chicken and mushroom get wizzed up then mixed back in with the rice) yoghurt in the mornings and chunky cooked apple. And rusks, both the commercial which he pretty much sucks on, and home made (think toast soldiers - bread that's been dried out in the oven so they're really very dry and crispy).

But this morning he had his first vegemite on toast. Granted that he pretty much sucked the vegemite off the toast leaving a soggy bready mess on his tray but he seemed to like it (a very light smear!) so I think that will probably be on the menu fairly regularly.

ETA: forgetful mummy that I am I did forget to mention the biggest big boy moment has been this week Tim has been sleeping in his own room. He's taken to it like a champion and is now (sort of) sleeeping through. We wake him at 9:30 for medicine and a feed. He wakes us for a dummy reinsertion at 2:30 and we give him medicine at 5:30 (and a feed if he wakes) then back to bed until about 7:30 / 8 when we have breakfast.


Northwoods Baby said...

Mmmm, risotto. Nummers. But really, subjecting an innocent child to vegemite? What did he ever do to you?!

PS, you totally want to marry Site Meter now, don't you? I may well love it *that* much.

The three of us + one said...

Oh Come on..... you don't think that the biting and the sleep deprivation is enough to warrant a vegemite initiation?

Seriously I had to Aussify him... some gov't department would deport him if I didn't give him vegemite on a regular basis. I think they have mind controlling stuff in there ... how else did so many people vote for little Johnny if we weren't all "directed to".