Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Poor baby.

Timothy got his first (post hospital-non vaccination) band-aid yesterday evening and it was Daddy who had to have his tears wiped away.
Seems that the dear small boy was wriggling too much while Daddy was trying to trim his finger nails... poor baby, poor Daddy.
It was poor Mummy who had to find a way to stem the blood flow from his littlest finger... seriously it's impossible to put a bandaid on a baby anything let alone a finger... but I found a use for those baby mittens... put him to bed with a pair of those on to stop blood from getting everywhere, while it scabbed up.

On a brighter note the boy can officially sit up by himself without falling over (unless he decides he's tired of sitting and wants to do something else - and those falls are getting more controlled).

He has also discovered the power of the word.... Mama. Seems that whenever he says Mama he gets a response....
a) No ..it's "Daddy", son.
b) Yes Timothy ... what do you want?
c) Yes Tim, it's me
d) I'm over here
e) What's the matter
f) What?
g) enough already and learn to point!

1 comment:

Northwoods Baby said...

THIS is why I still bite Perp's nails off. Gross? Without doubt. Bloodless? Totally.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!