Monday, March 05, 2007

A letter to Him who might know....

Dear God,

I'm just wondering why you've created for me this little boy that lights up my life. But more than that I need to know why, when his friends and relatives have given him so many things worthy of being played with, does he insist that the best playthings are found in the tupperware drawer? Why is it so much fun to stand on the couch, laugh to grab my attention and then take a flying leap off the couch - more or less (mostly less) in the direction of the cushions he has thrown on the floor? What's the attraction to the blind cord, the rubbish bin and the nappy that I'm trying to change and take away (for very good reason!). Are these boy things? If so can we have a little girl this time.. Please? Or is it just what my kids are destined to do???

from Me.

Oh and God.... while you're reading... please be good to my friends J & I... they really, really, really need good stuff at the moment.... make the bone marrow transplant go well, and make it work.... it really is too early to loose him. Sigh.

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